

Core Values Physical Therapy and Wellness


Sleep: it’s not just a luxury

Sleep: it’s not just a luxury

Did you know that men who sleep less than 5 hours a night have smaller testicles than men who sleep > 7 hours a night? Or that they have a testosterone level of someone 10 years older? (1) Women...

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Does resting get rid of injuries?

Does resting get rid of injuries?

I’m certain most people have heard of the term RICE before. In the past RICE was the go-to solution for injuries. RICE stands for Rest Ice Compression Elevation But now it is known that resting is...

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Buying new running shoes?

Buying new running shoes?

Buying new running shoes? Here is what you need to know before you go: 1.     Do you already know which brands and styles work for you? If so, don’t fix it if it ain’t broken 2.     Wear your...

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My Journey with Crossfit

My Journey with Crossfit

Hi Everyone, Rebecca here. Today I want to tell you why I love CrossFit and recommend it to my clients. I am relatively new to Crossfit, I just joined in February of this year. I wasn't sure what to...

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Jumping to Run

Jumping to Run

What runners need to know about how to boost performance safely with plyometrics. Plyometrics might sound technical but just picture jumping up and down repeatedly and there you have it. It is...

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Running Assessments

Running Assessments

Running assessments are vital for any runner. Running is not always an inherent technique and often times we need to modify how we are running for a variety of different reasons. Injuries occur when...

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